Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well we found our dogs late yesterday morning. My husband received a call about 11:45 from a lady who found them by Midland High School, which is downtown and quite a ways from our house. We were so thankful that nothing happened to them and that she actually called us about our dogs.

The sad thing is that at 5 am this morning they got out again but we found then within about an hour so they didn't get far this time. My husband finally figured out how they got out. He found a hole in the back alley fence line that was only visible from the alley so tonight we will fill in the hole with cement so that can't get out.

These past two events have reminded me of how much God takes care of me even in the little insignificant things of keeping my dogs safe from harm and returning them to me. I don't think about this until after the fact because during the searches for them I was panicking and knew I would never see them again. But God is faithful and takes care of us even when we forget about him at first. So Father thank you so much for bringing my precious dogs back to me. For those of you who don't know me my dogs are like my children, as my only child is grown and married. The dogs have become my children and who I put my energy into taking care of except of course for my wonderful husband. They fill my house with such joy and laughter and love.

For those of you reading this, I know I am rambling and writing about silly stuff but this blog is actually for me to get things out of my head and not really meant to be informative for anyone. Sorry that sounds so selfish but that is how I feel about what I am doing. If I don't get these thoughts out of my head then I will sit and dwell on them and they will block out whatever else God has planned for me.

I would like though to take a moment and say thank you to all the men and women who serve in the armed forces. The sacrifices that they make in order to keep our country safe and free are immeasurable. We would not live in this free country today with the freedoms that we have if it were not for them. Also to my son in law if you ever read this, thank you so much for what serving your country. I know it is hard to leave your wife (my daughter) and it will be a long journey but the two of you will grow stronger even when apart and what you are doing is greatly appreciated by more people than you can ever imagine. Just remember Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

That is all for now.
God Bless.

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